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If you’re interested in creating NFT projects, or you’ve already done your project and wanted to join communities that share news, do NFT giveaways, get NFT art inspiration, discuss with other users, share posts, and much more, then you’re in the right place.
So keep reading because, in this article, we’ve collected the most significant subreddit communities for NFT creators.
Best Software To Create NFT Art: The Top 10 In 2022
We’ve listed the subreddits based on the current number of followers from the most to the least.
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The NFT subreddit is a gathering for those who are interested in Non-Fungible Tokens. This NFT subreddit is one of the best NFT subreddits because its community is very active, they share news, do NFT giveaways, discuss different NFT projects, and Share NFT memes.
This subreddit has an active discord community where you can find free NFT giveaways, find discussions about pretty much anything related to NFTs.
At the time of writing this article, the NFT subreddit is followed by 519k members, NFT is considered the biggest NFT subreddit.
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If you want to buy, sell, promote or learn about NFT arts then this NFT space is the place to go,
NFtsMarketplace subreddit is one of the popular NFT subreddits That combines NFT artists, creators, and collectors so it’s a good place for you to connect with different people and share your story.
With 263k members, they talk primarily about NFT games, and various NFT projects, you can get answers to NFT-related stocks questions and much more.
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Opensea subreddit is the first and largest NFT marketplace that allows you to create buy and sell the world of NFTs, you can find different products such as crypto art, game items, domain names, and much more.
To keep an eye on the NFT ecosystem following this subreddit is necessary, it will allow you to really understand what is happening in the NFT market as well as gives you new projects and let you choose the right ones for your future investments.
Currently, Opensea is ranked in the top 1% of the largest communities on Reddit with 164k followers.
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Axie Infinity subreddit community is followed by 102k members, axie infinity is a game inspired by Pokemon, it’s filled with fascinating creatures, Axies, that players can collect as pets. Players aim to battle, breed, collect, raise, and build kingdoms for their Axies.
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The decentraland subreddit is a blockchain-based virtual reality world decentraland focussed,
Followed by 87.5k members, this subreddit talks about anything related to Decentraland and the virtual reality world, and they have weekly MANA price-related talks.
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NFTExchange is the place where you can get general information about Non-fungible tokens including the trade of NFT.
This subreddit is followed now by 77.3k members.
In this subreddit, you can look for information about any NFT project, NFT artwork, NFT game, NFT collection, and much more.
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As the title says this subreddit is for NFT Giveaways, you can giveaway your NFTs, find new NFT giveaways, have fun and talk about NFTs with the community. If you’re an NFT creator and want to give away some of your artwork, this is the right place for you.
The community now is followed by 37.2k members, and it’s consistently growing.
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NFTmarket is a fairly small community of 21k members but it’s a good place for users to discuss, trade, and exchange Non-fungible tokens.
by following this subreddit you will keep an eye on the projects listed there, and choose the right projects to trade for.
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CryptoArt is a subreddit where you can share and discuss crypto art and NFT art, collectible artworks that are uploaded and authenticated through blockchain technology.
This is a good subreddit for artists because it’s dedicated to sharing their work and connecting and collaborating between them.
By writing this article, CryptoArt is followed by 18.2k members.
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The sandbox gaming community is an excellent subreddit where creators can create and monetize voxels assets and sandbox gaming experiences on the blockchain. Share their creations, games, news, and information about The Sandbox.
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If you’re interested in Solana NFT then this is the only subreddit that will fit your need since they talk only on Solana and NFTs on Solana, the subreddit currently has 17.2k members who talk mainly about everything Solana-related.
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Cardanonfts community is a subreddit dedicated to Cardano NFTs, non-fungible tokens on the Cardano blockchain, It’s a community followed by 16.8k members, Its users talk mainly about Cardano and CardanoNFT’s ecosystem.
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In Rariable marketplace you can sell digital collectibles secured with blockchain, This subreddit is followed by more than 14k members who share mainly their projects so if you’re an NFT creator who wants to list their projects then this subreddit is for you.
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